
Google Page Rank is officially over.

The day has come, as of April 15, 2016, we do not see Google Pagerank showing any sign of ranking of any website including the top dogs Google or Facebook. It is official and clear to state that Google Pagerank is canceled entirely. The highly controversial suspension of Google Page Rank as of December 6th, 2013 had created much debating and arguments over the online world on how damaging it was to suspend the Google Pagerank system but not turn it off entirely. Many of the newer startup companies found this to be an unfair advantage the companies that chose to start when the Google Page ranking was being updated by Google, Inc.

How to create a TrueView video ad campaign in Google Adwords 2016

What is Trueview video Campaign?

Trueview is a YouTube video ad format that gives the viewer option,the most common of which is the ability to skip advertisement after five second Video Campaign is a way to rank your video top in the search engine result and also add your website with the video to advertise your business.Now  a days video campaign is very popular all over the world.The worlds popular hosting companies like,,, and many other companies spreading there business by video campaign from google Trueview ad system.